The Bowen Technique
It is a non-invasive treatment applied to the body using thumbs and fingers. It seeks to address imbalances primarily around the spine, pelvis, neck and head but also throughout the body. Bowen uses a unique rolling type move, at the pressure appropriate to you to stimulate a response, release tension and rebalance.
It is a ‘whole person’ approach and therefore works with your entire body rather than only focusing on one specific problem or symptom.
This move does not involve hard adjustments, it is not a flick of muscle or a massage. Instead it uses the skin available to move over the underlying muscle, tendon and connective tissue. Each move covers only a small area, defined by how much slack is available for each individual.
Fantastic for adults and kids alike, relaxing and rejuvenating, a therapy to have as a time out as well as help with any of your issues.